Monday, July 7, 2008

Bathroom Duty

I hate cleaning the bathrooms. I mean I really hate it; utterly, completely, without a shadow of a doubt abhor it (with every fiber of my being).

Today was bathroom cleaning day.

I decided to try something: I decided that instead of thinking of how much I hated it, I would think about why I didn't like and see if I could come up with some solutions to make the task more enjoyable. I started a very organized list in my head.

1. What I Hate
The feeling that every nasty virus, bacteria, and/or germ is creepy crawling all over my hands.
What Can Be Done About It
Buy some gloves

2. What I Hate
The fact that it's so disgustingly dirty and takes so long to get clean
What Can Be Done About It
Don't put off cleaning so long--do it a little each day

3. What I Hate
The smell of the chemicals
What Can Be Done About It
Buy some milder cleaner

4. What I Hate
The toilet
What Can Be Done About It
Make everyone stop going to the bathroom.

And so on and so forth. Then it struck me. It won't work. No matter what I do, cleaning the bathrooms will remain a stinky, sweaty, slimy, grimy chore that I hate. I believe that cleaning the bathroom will never be anything more than a task to be endured. And I'm okay with that. Did you hear that world? I HATE CLEANING THE BATHROOM. I'm not murmuring, I'm not complaining; I'm simply stating a well-researched, time-tested fact.

And now they're clean, so I have a good six months before I need to start worrying about it again.


Lisa Presley said...

Ha Ha Ha Ha Hee Hee Hee Ho Ho HA!!! It's so true...I thought about having an outhouse once, but then I realized we'd have quite a bug infestation around the area, and I think I'd rather deal with the dirty toilet.

LizzyP said...

Too bad we're not neighbors. We could have a cleaning co-op. I love cleaning bathrooms (seriously) but the list of things I don't like to do is really long--I bet if we were neighbors you could hand off your bathrooms to me and I could hand off something to you.