Monday, August 13, 2012

Movers Rock...Mostly

I am eternally grateful for the professional movers who handily brought our belongings to our new home (and to Target for paying for them).  There's no way I could have packed up our house with a 2 week old without some permanent sanity loss.  So I'm not here to look any gift horses in their mouths.  And I'm no professional so I'm not here to tell them how to do their job, either.  But I will poke fun a little.

I opened my last box today.  Woo hoo!  It only took a month.  I still have much to unpack, but at least every box has been opened.  And this is what I found:

The Box

The Paper (with helper)

The Contents
Some baby food jars, a small oval box, a Christmas ornament, and a plastic sheep. 

I cannot over-emphasize the ridiculousness of that paper.

And exactly how the plastic sheep and Christmas ornament fit in there, I'm not sure.  But they all made it safely and soundly to our new home!


LizzyP said...

I totally know what you're talking about. We have also been impressed by abundance of paper.

Summersfam said...

Hahahahahaha!! That's funny! Good thing those all made it safely!